Wednesday 9 March 2011

Pancake Day at CdL

Pancake Day at CDL was a great success! Everybody seemed to have gotten the message that the most delicious homemade pancakes were on sale to benefit Aaroahan.  There was a veritable scrum at the table; ten minutes after the break started, all pancakes were gone and Aarohan was around CHF 500 richer!! We have still to count the exact sum, but with 250 pancakes at 2 CHF a piece, even I can do the basic maths! Well done to the pancake day marketing teams: Chandler, Evie, Caspar, Coco, Laura and Jonathan.  Well done to the baking teams: Norling, Tipple, Immell, Browne and Tholstrup families -- and well done to the selling team: Lea, Malin, DesirĂ©e, Lucie and Suzie!

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